27% of Us Zone Out While Driving . . . Here Are the Top Five Things That Cause It
Do you ever do this? And are you doing it RIGHT NOW? A new survey found 27% of us regularly ZONE OUT while we’re driving.
The average is four times a week. And 55% of drivers said they sometimes feel like they’re just on “autopilot” behind the wheel. (It’s not clear what the difference is between “zoning out” and being on “autopilot.”)
Having a lot on your mind is the #1 reason we zone out. 49% agreed it’s true. The rest of the top five are being tired . . . driving the same stretch of road all the time . . . driving the same route every day . . . and because driving is just boring.
Here are a few more random stats from the survey . . .
1. 90% of us think we’re good drivers. And that’s even though 22% of us have had someone comment on our BAD driving before.
2. 49% of us sometimes get distracted while driving. Eating and using our phone are the top two things that distract us.
3. 49% also have a friend of family member who’s such a bad driver, it makes them feel unsafe.
4. And 1 in 7 of us DON’T think we’d pass if we had to retake our driver’s test.