Are These the 10 Worst Valentine’s Day Gifts?
The video above has some good (or BAD?) Valentine’s Day gift fails.
It’s not always the thought that counts, so here are some more . . .
A website called dug through posts on social media to find the WORST Valentine’s Day gifts that people say they’ve received . . . or that they’re considering giving this year. And here’s their list of the 10 worst . . .
1. A break-up. A survey last year found that 7% of people have dumped someone on Valentine’s Day.
2. The Hug-E-Gram, which are arm-shaped pillows that “hug” a person.
3. Wendy’s drive-thru meal.
4. A possibly rabid wild squirrel.
5. Dog treats . . . when the person doesn’t have a dog.
6. That Gwyneth Paltrow lady parts candle.
7. Clothing for two . . . like a two-person Snuggie or sweater.
8. Tweezers.
9. Funeral arrangements.
10. A toilet seat.