New Easter Stats on Candy, Traditions, and America’s Obsession with Deviled Eggs

Easter is on Sunday, and that probably means you’re going to eat a whole bunch of candy.

A new survey asked people about their favorite and least favorite Easter candies, and we’ve got the results of the five we love the most . . . and the five we hate.

The top five Easter candies are:

Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs . . . pastel colored M&M’s . . . Jelly Belly jelly beans . . . Hershey’s chocolate bunnies . . . and Cadbury Crème Eggs.

And the five people hate the most are:

Marshmallow Peeps . . . generic jelly beans . . . coconut nests (also known as macaroons) . . . bubble gum eggs . . . and candy covered Jordan Almonds.

(National Today)

And here are six new Easter stats for you . . .

1.  Should the DEVIL really be this involved in Easter?  Almost two-thirds of Americans say they’ll either make or eat deviled eggs this weekend.

2.  Two-thirds of people say they’ll make an Easter basket this year.

3.  85% of parents are planning to limit how much candy their kids eat on Easter.  I guess the rest say anything goes?

4.  34% of people say their favorite Easter tradition is spending time with family.  20% say it’s hunting for Easter eggs . . . and only 18% say it’s the religious aspects.

5.  8% of people think the best part of Easter is eating.

6.  And finally, three out of four people bite the EARS first when they’re eating a chocolate bunny.

(PR Newswire / Candy USA / Jackson Clarion Ledger)

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