People Are Losing It Over Bagels Sliced Like Loaves of Bread
I WANT to make fun of people who find this disturbing . . . but it’s bothering me a little bit too.
There’s a picture going viral right now of a guy who took two boxes of bagels into work . . . but he had the bagels sliced like loaves of bread. So instead of a whole or half bagel, you’d just take one or two thin slices of one.
And the reaction on the Internet is . . . mostly HORRIFIED. As one person tweeted, quote, “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
The guy who bought the bagels says it’s “St. Louis style,” but the people of St. Louis are denying any connection to bagels cut like this.
And now, other people are posting pictures of food “St. Louis style” . . . like a smashed up cake or a St. Louis style ice cream sandwich, which is whipped cream on a hamburger bun.
Today I introduced my coworkers to the St Louis secret of ordering bagels bread sliced. It was a hit!
— Alek Krautmann (@AlekKrautmann) March 26, 2019