Serve Wenatchee Helping Families in Need

Easter is fast approaching and Serve Wenatchee Valley, a community organization helping families stay safely in their homes, invites local residents to help address one of the valley’s most fundamental needs: food security. Feed My Sheep is a community-wide Easter campaign designed to help meet this very real need.

Serve Wenatchee Valley started 16 years ago to pull together church and community resources to meet the growing needs of families facing overwhelming circumstances. Their approach is highly relational, meeting people at their point of need, helping them take steps toward stability, and ultimately find security.

“Most of us, if we found ourselves in crisis and facing a need, would have many relationships to draw on, helping us with the everyday essentials of life,” said Thom Nees, Executive Director of Serve Wenatchee Valley. “The families we meet every day at Serve Wenatchee have exhausted their resources, and truly have nowhere to turn. This is where you, our generous community step in, you have the opportunity to not only put food on their table, but to let them know they are not alone.”

Of the nearly 2,800 family interactions at Serve Wenatchee in 2018, 61% had a need for food. That’s 32 families per week and the requests for food assistance are up 20% in the first quarter of 2019. “The value of helping a family with a simple box of food cannot be overstated,” added Donna Pruitt, Clearinghouse Director of Serve Wenatchee Valley. “Often these families must choose between purchasing food and paying rent.”

To meet this growing need:

  • The Feed My Sheep campaign running through Easter, April 21, 2019, gives community members the opportunity to be a part of the solution.
  • A simple gift of just $25 provides a food box with enough food to feed a family of 4 for 3 days. You can help us reach our goal of $16,000 for this campaign.
  • Go to or text “HOPE” to 509-630-4438

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