Six New Stats for the Start of March Madness

The first round of March Madness starts today.  Here are six fresh stats to kick things off . . .

1.  23% of us plan to watch at least one game on TV, and 8% will stream it online.  58% of Americans said they don’t care about March Madness at all, and won’t be following it.

2.  60% of people who’ve filled out at least one bracket are competing with friends or family.  And 34% are doing a bracket with coworkers.

3.  The top ways people made their picks this year were by using their own college basketball knowledge . . . choosing teams they’re a fan of . . . following advice from experts . . . following advice from friends and family . . . and asking their coworkers.

4.  24% of people who’ve filled out a bracket did it RANDOMLY, without putting any thought or effort into it.  That includes 20% of men and 30% of women.

5.  Only 2% of us will gamble more than $100 on March Madness this year.

6.  What’s more exciting, the Final Four or the NBA Finals?  People were asked to rate both of them on a scale from 1 to 10.  And the NBA Finals barely won.  37% of people rated the Final Four at 5 or above, compared to 40% for the NBA Finals.
