This Week in Science: Killer Coffee, Contagious Yawns, and Oceans on Mars
It’s time for “Nerd News,” covering the most important news for your brain. Here’s a quick rundown of this week in science . . .
1. In space news: We found huge oceans of water on Mars, or technically IN Mars. It’s too deep to get to.
2. In caffeine news: A study found more than four cups of coffee or two energy drinks a day could cause heart damage.
3. In A.I. news: A study in England found things like ChatGPT don’t actually pose a serious threat to society. So we should all chill out and stop worrying about A.I. destroying humanity.
4. In “I swear I’m not tired” news: A study mapped the neural pathways that cause you to yawn when you see someone else yawn.
5. In climate change news: Scientists developed a new way of producing “super-wood” that stores more carbon and reduces emissions. (Careful! Yeah, I’ve got some super-wood . . . in my pants.)
6. In “how’d they do that” news: A study found the six-ton “Altar Stone” at Stonehenge likely came from 500 miles away in Scotland.
7. And in bug news: A study found bug sprays meant to deter cockroaches don’t work well anymore. They’ve evolved past them. The term “super-roaches” is being tossed around.